Friday , April 19 2024
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Letting Go of Expectations

If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you know how I love a good spiritual kick in the pants.  Today I got it over and over, and I finally surrender to the message.  The first thing I read this morning was a beautiful blog post by my friend Shalagh who talked about things being personal, until we took ourselves out of the equation.  That was kick number one.  Then I read a blog post about how we distract ourselves and talk ourselves out of dreams, but there was a bigger message for me.  I got a huge aha moment when I realized I was putting enormous amounts of pressure on myself to re-coup all of the money that I invested into learning how to launch this book and create my upcoming course in a single day.  I’ve used that money over the course of a couple of months, and as I told one of my coaches, I am so far out of my comfort zone that I can’t even see it anymore.  I realized this morning that I need to take a breath and let the Divine do its thing while I do mine.  It’s time for me to grow and be willing to talk about the information I am sharing.  It’s not about me.  It’s about the information.  In this case, it’s about moms and mothering and honoring those who do it well, including the ones you might never think of.  Kick number two and it came with a bonus kick that the Divine’s timing is perfect, even if mine isn’t.  Duh!

So the next few days, I will be dropping by and/or stopping to thank several people in my life.  I am hoping to take a few pictures and share their stories but even if I don’t, I want them to feel appreciated.  These are women who may or may not mother their own children, but they mother others.  I’ll be at our local Children’s hospital today to thank the check in staff, some I’ve known for over 15 years, and to thank some of the nurses and clerical staff.  Each has played a role in helping my son stay healthy and that’s why I wrote Everyday Heroes of Motherhood, why I am creating the course Mom Mastery and am co-hosting #LoveLetterstoMoms day on Friday.  Today I’ll get a jump on it, but I hope you’ll find someone or maybe even several women to thank for all they do over the next few days, especially those who may not be recognized otherwise.  Post it on social media and let’s start an avalanche of appreciation.  Also, because of these two posts I’m asking you to jump on Amazon on Friday and purchase Everyday Heroes of Motherhood and hopefully you’ll be even more inspired when you finish reading it.  Thanks as always for taking the time to read what I share.  Thank you for being you and have a great day.

About Karen Bemmes

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  1. This is true in our day to day life, in our work, family, sports, everything! When we have the capacity to see things as they are we start living in the moment, we get rid of expectations and we are happier really.

  2. I completely resonate with this. I tend to get too attached to my expectations, and when things go in a different direction, I tend to freak out. I wonder if ignoring the unbelievably high expectations of the situations you’re anxious for can actually help you achieve those things. It might be better because when the situation actually goes your way, you will be pleased and surprised. It’s better to expect less and be surprised when you find out you’re wrong than expect the world and fall apart when it doesn’t happen the way you planned.

  3. I have the example of my wife, she has huge expectations about her life and this prevents us from enjoying the small things we have in our day to day. I believe we need to relax more, enjoy the little things and those things will become our happiness.

  4. I find this both moving and motivating. I think the first person we should appreciate is our self … we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be as near as perfect as possible. If we appreciate ourselves our appreciation for others will flow naturally.

  5. That’s true and it’s as simple as it can get. When we appreciate ourselves, when we are good people we will have the capacity of helping others more, being a good influence on them. There’s no need to have any expectations about any of this.

  6. I totally agree. All those rules and expectation that we set for ourselves limit us from living a truly full and enriched life experience. As soon as we learn to let go of all that, then we find that we have more happiness and fulfillment in our lives.

  7. Well I have to say that I also like a good spiritual kick in the pants, and I also like a good and honest self-evaluation, which is what I think you have here. This is very well put, and I agree with much of it. We do tend to build these expectations for ourselves into our routines and our lives, and sometimes we need to step aside and let the Divine do its thing, as you say. It is difficult, but with a little self evaluation I believe that it is doable, and necessary at certain times. Thanks for sharing.

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