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Planning a Summer Roadtrip for the Family? 4 Tips to Keep it Positive for Everyone

When you’re planning a road trip with the family, you have a lot of things that you need to prepare for. The kids will need an opportunity to go to the bathroom, eat and stretch their legs. And, you’ll want to have your trip planned to prevent wasted time. Plenty of things can go wrong, and there’s more than one way to take a wrong turn on a road trip with the family. But by taking a few precautions, you can avoid some of the worst bumps in the road. To help you get started, here are a few tips to keep the trip positive for everyone.

Thoroughly Prepare

The first thing that you should do is plan out your route. This way, not only will you avoid getting lost, but you’ll also be able to plan in some sights and some rest stops along the way to keep everyone a little happier. Another option is to use an app or a program on your car to help you plan your route. You should also pack some snacks to keep everyone happy. Kids tend to get hungry, thirsty or bored about 20 minutes after entering the car. That’s why you should also include some activities and other essentials in your travel bag. Sure, your kids might enjoy some time on their phones or tablets, but you should also plan in some group time for when you’re all feeling social. Make a list of family car games and activities to make the ride more enjoyable.

Follow the Traffic Laws

When you’re taking a trip, getting pulled over is the last thing that you want. It can make your trip take longer, and it can be a drain on your wallet when you have to pay a fine. There are many different violations you can get traffic tickets for, so you’ll want to read up on what they are to avoid making them. This is especially true if you’ll be crossing state lines since traffic laws can vary by state.

Stay Away from Angry Drivers

If you’re on a really long drive, you might run into a driver with road rage. You can’t exactly prepare for it, but make sure that you stay away from anyone who is driving wildly or is showing signs of anger. Also, recognize the differences between aggressive driving and road rage. If you need to pull over, find a gas station or grocery store with plenty of people around.

Bring Money

When you’re on a road trip, you want the option to do a few fun things on a whim. While even vending machines are moving toward accepting cards, you don’t want to be left without some cash if you need it. What if there’s a flea market on the side of the road that you want to stop at? If you’re in a city, you might want to give a tip to a street performer. You might not think about it very much, but there are some situations in which you’ll want to have some cash on hand. If you’re worried about the money being lost or stolen, hidden money pouches or money belts can bring you the peace of mind that you’re looking for.

Road trips can be a lot of fun, but you need to prepare to maximize your opportunities for play. Then, you can focus on making memories with your family.

These other articles have some more great road trip advice:

About Anna Smith

Anna Smith is an entrepreneur and blogger on topics of personal success, fashion, business, marketing, personal finance, and health. She graduated from the University of Colorado Boulder with her Associates in English, and from the University of Colorado Denver with her Bachelors in Business Management. She currently lives in Denver with her dog Charlie.

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